As I was googling some stuff to annoy you with on Thursday, I happened upon the story of a woman who - some years ago - married ... THE BERLIN-BLEEDING-WALL!!!! She's some sort of objectophile or somet (smeggin' weirdo in my rather un-PC language..), lives in a small village in Sweden (that explains...the things you come up with in those loooooong cold winter nights in the sticks :) and fell in love with the Berlin Wall... went to see it, proposed & hey presto, got married to the thing... even took its (or "his" as she calls her "husband") last name...
The mind boggles at what might have happened had David "I've been looking for freedom and found it in a bottle" Hasselhoff not come along and helped bringing it down... just by his "singing"... bleedin' wall-murderer, robbing the poor woman of her faithful husband... was wondering what the kids might have looked like and - after a quick photoshop session - came up with something like this..

Anyroad, the full story - from the widow herself - can be found here....
Now, I'm not saying this could come up in the quiz.. but then again, you never know, do ya?!? :)
See yis Thursday...