POW - Prediction of the Week 236
Which two teams are going to be in the Champions League final? (1 point per..)
Paris Paris: ManUtd + Liverpool
Pinkies & the Brain: ManUtd + Chelsea
Bembelboys: ManUtd + Chelsea
The "competition" is closed and all 3 teams start with at least 1 point ..
PS - well, that's 2 then for Pinkies & Bembelboys, and 1 for Paris Paris...
No, I didn't forget you
I know I've been slacking, not having updated this site with tables, predictions, previews & other schnickschnack.
My excuse? Well, believe it or not but I'm actually trying to get some "proper" work done, that sort of stuff that I might one day get paid for...
And the predominant word these days it "swamped", as in "chained to the desk, suffocated by mountains of paper with requests/orders/inquiries on it", coming from people who do not always know what they want.. but know that they want it yesterday :( And on most days, the work environment does not exactly lend to the overwhelming desire to spend more than 6 hours in the office..
And to top it all, the tendons in my wrist are even more irritated than I am myself.. so any computer work/typing not required to get my job done is resting uncomfortably at the bottom of the pile.. (writing this alone took almost 15 minutes :(
Anyroad, I promise to update the missing regular features as soon as time and my old body parts allow (and the quiz for Thursday got prepared :)
I'll be seeing the Faithful Few on May Day (Hélène, remember that question?? :), with hopefully a nice tricky quiz.. and if we're just a few teams I might prepare a "games" round :)
till then, keep on keepin' on & keep guessing :)
(BTW - so far all 3 teams who gave their predictions have 1 point for Scumchester Utd. reaching the final..)
Reminders, Rules & Requests
As mentioned in Sunday's "round-writing" (i.e. email, the one I penned in a rather advanced state of refreshment, understandably so, after the Mackem Massacre :) there are only few tables left (even fewer now that De Muttis put in their reservation). So far we can expect the usual suspects Pinkies, ParisParis, Leninskij w/ or w/o brain (yep, I know..), Great Big Sausage, Dumbass Canucks, Super Nova, Muttis & peut-être Les Picards.
NOT to forget the 20ish kids.. and one or two representatives of Bild-Zeitung (yeah, I know.. :)
So if you haven't booked a table yet there's only a slim chance to get seats for #235... best phone the Kilkenny (forgot the number, it's on the website which is in my link list :)
And what with the place probably being rather busy on Thursday, there are one or two reminders or requests or rules I'd like to put down.
1. I know we (well, I) have been starting late-ish over the last few weeks.. which is not a problem as long as we have only 10 teams... everything is gonna take longer with a potential 15.. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - do try and show up in time. I might have to start without the usual late-comers...
2. As mentioned before, there's that woman from Bildzeitung who - for whatever reason - feels the urge to pen an article about the quiz.. Now, the Muttis & Supernova might remember similar (but failed) attempts from back in the Oscar Wilde and I'm not overly fond of finding my name & mug in the paper, especially one of the Red Tops... BUT it's free advertising for the place (and the quiz) and you know the part with the gift horse & the dental inspection...
Anyroad, to give them hacks a good impression I'd be way chuffed if we all (and I'm including myself here) could keep the argueing & attempts at getting a yellow card down to a minimum.. not that I want to cut out all the banter but you never know what they make of it :)
There won't be a photographer tho as I promised to give them one or two pix our photographer had taken a few weeks ago.. I'll try and keep "regular" faces out of them and use tourist pictures but if you want or don't want to appear in the paper, let me know..
3. And last but not least, in the light of recent events, some old habits (along with people) seem to have returned.. I will mercilessly dock points if you try to pay with you week's collection of copper coins.. if you can't get rid of them, don't make it my problem.
And I will not run after people to hand out sheets & register teams.. if you can't walk the short distance over to my table, just like everyone else - tough.. (you know who you are :)
Right, that's about all for now, have to go and lower levels, make myself schlau on 90's music and find/prepare pictures without exposed boobs & stuff..G-rated, like...
See you Thursday, and till the - keep guessing :)
Quiky 234 - Rankings

apologies for the tardiness, bit swamped at the mo (supposed to serve as an excuse too for missing sneak preview this week :)
POW - Prediction of the Week 235

As announced here before, and as heard on the night, this week's prediction is Toon-related so here's the Prediction of the Week for the Quiky 235
Predict the score in the Tyne-Wear derby on Sunday 20 April (that's Toon vs Makems or Newcastle - Sunderland, for those of you who are not into football.. or "soccer" :)
Predictions so far:
It's all Sausage To Me 2-1
Paris Paris 3-1
Pinkies & the Brain 2-1
Leninskij (obviously w/o brain :) 1-2
This "competition" closes on Sunday 20 April at 2 p.m. so if you fancy having a go and starting with a point, do leave your educated guess here or mail it to quiz_miz@hotmail.com..
(and you better cheer for the right team on Sunday :)
coucou la reine
PS desolée pour ne pas repondre en francais but it's 2 in the f***ing a.m. and I'm knackered (that running-a-quiz-sober thingie is getting to me :)
le reste demain... bonne nuit :)
Sneak preview #234 .. or is it?
that movie "Der Rote Baron" (not that I've seen it, any intention of going to see it, or even read the reviews but...)
this picture (thanx Jon, but I guess that still doesn't put you off polar bears, eh? and no, I'll pick me own question :))
that story here (actually found it in the Mirror, not that it makes a big diff from the Sun.. and yes, I do read some of the Red Tops, now and then..) I mean, 180k for a fiddle?!?! and he leaves it on the train?!? At least he's got a chance of some honest soul finding it.. what if he had flown BA to London?? the mind boggles...
much ado about.. quite a lot actually :)

well, nuff fo' today, still have to sift through the rest of this week's ideas & hints & links.. and decide what to serve up on Thursday... till then, keep guessing :)
POW - Prediction of the Week 234
Between Thursday 10 and Thursday 17, how many people will be arrested for protesting / interrupting the Olympic Torch relay? (that's +/-100 :)
Paris Paris 101
De Muttis 217
Pinkies & Brain 149 (Stück :)
Just like last week, this "competition" is closed now as news coverage would give anyone entering at this stage an unfair advantage... try your luck next Thursday (given that the Tyne-Wear derby is just round the corner, that question is definitely going to be Goals-For-Newcastle-related..)
the way the cookie crumbles

@ Brain & Hélène...
...So nahm Hermann Bahlsen 1911 die Eindeutschung vor: aus Cakes wurde Keks. Im gleichen Jahr griff der Duden die neue Form auf: der oder das Keks hieß es zunächst. Die Pluralform lautete "die Keks".
hier noch mehr zum Thema.. (gute Quiz-Frage übrigens :)))
und da es nicht mal 'n deutsches Wort ist schlage ich als friedliche Lösung "the" oder "ze" vor :)
Punktestand: France 1 - Germany 1
Kekse für alle!!!
Sneak Preview
here's a few hints at what you would have seen.. and might guess at next Thursday... minus the questions, of course :)

Quiky 233 - Rankings
Congratulations all, especially Only Me (who actually was only him :) and Die Fantastischen 2 (who were only 2)..
Pas Pour Elise mais.. Pour Hélène
Coucou la reine (ou le roy :)
merci pour ton e-mail .. ca m'as pris 2 heures pour traduire et 3 pour répondre :) (..bien que je comprenne la plupart, je galère à l’écrire..) D’autre cote, j’ai trouvé des nouveaux mots.. surkiffer, par exemple.. chouette :)
Alors, merci pour m’envoyer les liens, je vais gamberger sur tes suggestions mais je ne peux rien te garantir..
Et en ce qui concerne le “Idiot Song” – t’as raison! J’ai jamais remarqué parce que je me fous des frères Gallagher :) .. et ceci ne va pas te surprendre…
Et bien, c'est tout pour aujourd'hui, faut que je me prépare pour le match demain (et l'alcohol, 5 Guinness!!! j'peux pas attendre!!!)–
Bon ben, j'te souhaite un très bon week end et à jeudi (peut-être avec des chansons francaises ou francophones :)!
P.-S. – desolée, j’pouvais pas trouver mon cédille :)
The dangers of being a quiz miz
temptation on toast..
In my desperate annual attempt to lose a few pounds I've already decided to give up alcohol on quiz nights (you've been warned - mispronunciations, flaring temper, trigger-happiness with them colourful cards may occur...) and now I get tempted by the leckerest, unhealthiest sandwich you could imagine (well, I'm still having drooling dreams about that steak-ham-sausage-fried egg-fried onion--cheese sambo, easy on the rabbit food, that one of our barmen ordered a while ago.. nowt but seriously BAD stuff but the taste.. must have been greasy heaven..)
Well then, Quiky 233 will be the first test to see if I can survive on cigarettes, apfelschorle & some fun alone..
Quiky 232 - Rankings
I seem to remember that Pinky Sans Cervelle won (that's the combined brainpower of Manthe, Hélène, and wor wee Swiss friend...). Don't recall tho who came second.. all I remember is a strange name and faces I had seen before (yeah, I know, DT :)
Anyroad, we had 14 teams (I think :) and it was a pretty tight affair in the top 3rd of the table..
Apologies, 'tschuldigung, désolée .. but I can't promise that it won't happen again :)
POW - Prediction of the Week 233
Will the BVG continue their strike next week (i.e. week of 7 April)?
This "competition" is closed now as news coverage would give anyone entering at this stage an unfair advantage... try our next POW on Thursday 10 (Olympic flame anyone?? :)
Tease me..

Which artist is being "collaged" here?

What was the year?

This is the parliament building of a European country..
Name the river that runs by it :)

Much-beloved macro shots .. this is a close-up of what object? (beware, the big version might be sort of in-your-face.. :)

Name the movie & the award the "leading actress" got for her role in it..
And if it's answers you want - come back here later or - if you can't wait - try and google them :)
The show will go on.. in the Kilkenny
Apologies to those of you I've baited and begged to travel all the way to Charlottenburg, should we find a solution you'll be the first to know...
In the meantime, check out the Quiky in the Kilkenny pub on Hackescher Markt.. same quiz, more people, more fun...