
New beginnings - starting the third century of Wilde Quizzes

Forgive the tardiness, Queops, but with these month-long breaks between quizzes other things occupy the mind ;)

OF COURSE there will be a quiz on Thursday 12 May (not that I have even one single question ;) ... but dafür loads of kewl pics) and since the pickNmix system we used for #200 seemed to be popular among most teams, we shall keep it for now.

I do not know what the future brings (not even beyond the next 8 weeks) but we will start Champions League Season 17. The rest time will tell.

And since Vicky's Warriors and Quizzee Rascals won't return on Thursday, I have Yogi.
The new system (2x5Qs) allows for loads of topics so shout out your preferences (except boybands, Justin Bieber, quantum anything, Cartrashians...) It's easier to find 5 questions per topic, rather than 9. You can suggest cool combos if you like (e.g. small dogs+large bodies of water, 70s' fashion+Asian cuisine, video games+Victorian novels etc.)

We still have a few tables so if you want in for one of those rare fun nights, send me a mail ;)

Looking forward to Thursday and WQ#201. Try to be on time ;) .. I shall, too, 

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