
Let's Get Quizzical.. and slightly more serious. Even if it's only a QuiKy.

Right, Queops, tonight it all begins. Again. With Quiky3.0/001.
After last week's dress rehearsal which showed us some flaws and shortcomings (which will be fixed by the time we kick off tonight), and let us find out feet (and new Stammtische) we kick off the first Quiky3.0 Champions League season in the Kilkenny Irish Pub tonight. At 8pm. Waiting to get defeated are four former (and one reigning) teams of champions, and several contenders.
We'll have a nice new batch of questions, pictures, and music as well as the usual free nuts and alcohol for losers and winners.
If you're game, find us in the Celtic room of the Kilkenny Irish Pub (or follow the noise). The earlier you're there the better the tables still available.

I'm looking forward to new challenges, challengers, and tons of fun.

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