
Golden Spurtles, Tartans, Tetris & #PardewOut - WQ#154

WellWellWell, THAT was a mixed bag of nuts (some more than others)... fun & frustration.
The most improvisestest quiz in a looong time and yet we would have finished before 11pm hadn't it been for people who chose to talk instead of listening.. and then asking questions that had already been answered 5 times. NO MORE, I say, no more... time to tighten the reins...
That aside - DAQ**** got their second first in a row (and would have even without the bonus points they got for Verdienste um das Fortbestehen der Veranstaltungsreihe :) - thanks for heeding my (very last minute) call - Hendrik - you are my hero!!!! He should be yours too, because without his prompt and professional aid we would not have had any music.

Anyroad - points and stuff , no pics.
No Prediction of the Week either, wieder abgeschafft due to lack of interest.

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