
Autumn anticipation/Fall Vorschau - Pirates, 80s, Ossis, Spooky Special

We have discussed it in the FB group and most regulars are very fond of the idea so it's decided - the Big 80s, the Decade of Decadence deserve their own quiz/party and it will go down on Thursday 26 September. Time enough for those of you who want to play in style to go and dig out/find some something to wear... If you aren't old enough to remember - here's a few tips.
Topics will be all 80s, from sports, politics, fashion, music, trivia, TV, movie, all the way to the music round. FUN with a capital FU guaranteed. If you have any suggestions as to what should be included or what special features you'd like to see, use the fb group to throw them in the ring.
This one is reservations only so if you want in on the fun, book your table early. Oh, and it's a regular Champions League Season  9 quiz.

BUT before that, it's Talk Like A Pirate Day on 19 September and we will have at least 1 pirate-related round, if not more. Harrrgh, shiver me timbers, that was fun last year.

Next special (round) is Ossi, Ossi, Ossi on Thursday 3 October. Because it's 4 days before Republikgeburtstag, the 3 letters that matter are G, D, and R. Expect a few Eastie-Beastie questions and maybe tunes.

And the BIG BIG Super Scary Spooky Special is going to be HALLOWEEN on 31 October. Still a few days away but just saying. This year it falls on a Thursday proper so all the more reason to have a Mother of all MASSIVE MONSTER parties. This one is definitely reservations only, it's going to be packed like the years before. Regular teams (Big Four, Pinkies & Brain, Feid Club, JM2D), of course, have first dibs. Scary fancy dresses are optional but they will get bonus points & prizes. If you want to see what qualifies, check the Halloween label.

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