
Marathon, muppets & merry mayhem

Another great Wilde Night, and much more fun than the Wednesday quiz. And since fate intervened and cleared my Friday schedule (good thing too, my voice was a bit gone-ish this morning) I'll have first pics and points and stuff for yis. Rest up here over the weekend (as well as the remaining pics from that other night :)

As you can see, only slight shifts in the CL table.. but then there are another 6 weeks to go. Can we crown new Champions in April?!?!?
Anyroad, here are some fun(ny) faces you made last night... and another 50+ to come :)

why the long face?! :)

some people come REALLY prepared for their Yogi round ...

Feid Club - The Next Generation... lovely to see you back :)

and it was so nice to have the Kelly family with us :)

baffled Apples

Last but not least - Yogi-Recht liegt bei Cherry's Dirty Sister - bis Sonntag 21.00 Uhr. Mailt mir eure Vorschläge (am besten mehrere zur Auswahl für den Fall daß eins davon thematisch vor kurzem dran war :)

And in case you want to know who's IN and who's not (yet) - here's the current 'Book'. Get your name in if you want to challenge the Champions.

And that's all she wrote for now - have a lovely weekend (mine just got marginally better :).. and we'll all meet again very soon for another round of mayhem and mysteries.

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