
Oh what a night!!! - WQ23 roundup

Because you were such a lovely audience (for some reason I keep singing 'For the benefit of Mr. Kite' in my head ;) I spent half of my Friday with points, and pics, and previews. So - last night's results, and proof of all-round funtertainment. I have some 50+ more pictures to sift and shop, for now just the best of the crop :)

Go West.. with the Village People

Seriously, you people crack me up every time :).... the later the evening, the better the faces on some of yis ;)

But now on to the all-important issue of the Champions League Season 2. It's getting tighter by the week, good thing the big Feeee-naaaaaaaaaaaar-lay is next week. Otherwise I'd be killed by suspense :)

So quizzers, be there in time to witness the big 3-way tie between Graces, Cannonballs and ???.. Unless they all spectacularly implode and some other team win by 50 points ;).. Exciting....
That's almost all for now, more over the weekend (bits of useless information I stumbled across while reasearching stuff, details on upcoming new rules, preview for the next few weeks, plans for Quizmas and WildeNewYearKwiz, and - as promised - waaaaay more photographs.
Till then - gehabt euch wohl.

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