
By God, she's got it!!

Ever since Thursday and this genetic experiment,

I'd been searching my files and racking my brain. But the answer to the question "who is Johnny Depp's bottom half?" eluded me.. till now. I took the pic apart again, and found the Johnny Depp original in my files.

So far, so dead easy. All that was left now was this part

but still I couldn't find a matching picture in the celebrity folders. It was driving me nuts because I knew I knew the nose.. and quite a few guesses and googles later, hey presto!!
I don't have the original picture I used but here's proof.

Riddle solved. If it's any consolation, I wouldn't have got the 1 point either :D
As for the doubting Thomases who didn't believe it was the Hoff - guckt ihr hier!

Admittedly a tricky one but hey, life as a quizzer is not fair!
And for those who missed last week's fun - a few genetix zum Üben.

I've got lovely new ones already, for Thursday or rather next Thursday, since no-one has raised their hands for 5 August...

Oh, and the mystery object of the week was this..

can't see what's wrong with a knife but then...

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